Terinspirasi oleh peristiwa yang benar -benar benar ... Ketika setan menginfestasi telepon seluler seorang gadis remaja yang bermasalah, kepemilikan iblisnya segera menyusul, memaksa orang tua ateisnya untuk mencari bantuan seorang imam Katolik untuk selamat dari kejahatan yang tak terkatakan mengambil alih hidup mereka.
Inspired by terrifyingly true events... When demons infest the cell phone of a troubled teenage girl, her demonic possession soon follows, forcing her atheist parents to seek the help of a Catholic priest in order to survive the unspeakable evil taking over their lives.
Inspired by terrifyingly true events... When demons infest the cell phone of a troubled teenage girl, her demonic possession soon follows, forcing her atheist parents to seek the help of a Catholic priest in order to survive the unspeakable evil taking over their lives.
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