Keluarga Zabiak, yang belum saling bertemu selama bertahun -tahun, terlepas dari perang, berkumpul untuk Paskah di rumah orang tua mereka.
The Zabiak family, which has not seen each other for many years, despite the war, is gathering for Easter at their parents' house.
The Zabiak family, which has not seen each other for many years, despite the war, is gathering for Easter at their parents' house.
Directors: Taras Dudar
Writer: Dmitriy Grigorenko, Yuri Mikulenko
Starring: Stanislav Boklan, Olesia Zhurakivska, Daria Leheida
Writer: Dmitriy Grigorenko, Yuri Mikulenko
Starring: Stanislav Boklan, Olesia Zhurakivska, Daria Leheida
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