The Exorcists (2023)
85 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2023-09-29
Ketika anaknya dirasuki oleh kejahatan yang tak henti -hentinya, seorang ayah mempekerjakan tiga pengusir setan untuk membersihkan iblis dan menyelamatkan keluarganya. Tapi iblis ini hanyalah penjaga gerbang ke Hellion sejati yang akan dilepaskan di Bumi jika trio pengusir setan gagal.
When his child is possessed by an unrelenting evil, a father hires three expert exorcists to purge the demon and save his family. But this demon is merely the gatekeeper to a true hellion that will be unleashed on earth if the trio of exorcists fail.
When his child is possessed by an unrelenting evil, a father hires three expert exorcists to purge the demon and save his family. But this demon is merely the gatekeeper to a true hellion that will be unleashed on earth if the trio of exorcists fail.
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