Raina diwarisi sebuah hotel di Semarang oleh ayahnya. Dia dan adik laki -lakinya akhirnya mengelola hotel. Namun, ada satu kamar yang tidak bernomor yang diminta ayahnya untuk tidak mengganggu. Tapi sekarang, apa yang ada di ruangan itu mulai mengganggu para pengunjung.
Raina was inherited a hotel in Semarang by her father. He and his younger brother eventually managed the hotel. However, there was one unnumbered room that his father asked him not to disturb. But now, what was in the room was starting to disturb the visitors.
Raina was inherited a hotel in Semarang by her father. He and his younger brother eventually managed the hotel. However, there was one unnumbered room that his father asked him not to disturb. But now, what was in the room was starting to disturb the visitors.
Directors: Guntur Soeharjanto
Writer: Riheam Junianti
Starring: Luna Maya, Christian Sugiono, Bianca Hello
Writer: Riheam Junianti
Starring: Luna Maya, Christian Sugiono, Bianca Hello
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