Di dalam tambang yang sudah lama ditinggalkan, tersembunyi makhluk gelap yang menghantui keturunan para penambang yang menjebaknya. Ketika keponakan Luke tiba-tiba terserang penyakit skizofrenia yang aneh, dia membuka kembali tambang dengan harapan dapat mengumpulkan uang agar dia mendapatkan perawatan yang lebih baik. Namun untuk benar-benar menyelamatkannya, dia harus menghadapi kutukan keluarga.
Inside a long-abandoned mine lurks a dark being which haunts the descendants of the miners who trapped it. When Luke's niece is suddenly struck with a strange form of schizophrenia, he re-opens the mine in hopes of raising the money to get her better treatment. But in order to truly save her, he must face the family curse.
Inside a long-abandoned mine lurks a dark being which haunts the descendants of the miners who trapped it. When Luke's niece is suddenly struck with a strange form of schizophrenia, he re-opens the mine in hopes of raising the money to get her better treatment. But in order to truly save her, he must face the family curse.
Directors: Paul Collett
Writer: Paul Collett, Robbie Trujillo
Starring: Tom Sizemore, Tommy Lister Jr, Sally Kirkland
Writer: Paul Collett, Robbie Trujillo
Starring: Tom Sizemore, Tommy Lister Jr, Sally Kirkland
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