The Jack in the Box: Rises (2024)
92 Minm | United Kingdom | Horror | 2024-01-18
Ketika Jack-in-the-Box yang menyeramkan ditemukan dan dibuka di halaman sekolah khusus perempuan, enam siswa pemberani segera bertarung sampai akhir melawan iblis yang dilepaskan.
When a creepy Jack-in-the-Box is discovered and opened on the grounds of an exclusive girls' school, six brave students soon enter a fight to the finish against the unleashed demon.
When a creepy Jack-in-the-Box is discovered and opened on the grounds of an exclusive girls' school, six brave students soon enter a fight to the finish against the unleashed demon.
Directors: Lawrence Fowler
Writer: Lawrence Fowler, Geoff Fowler
Starring: Nicholas Anscombe, Isabella Colby Browne, Derek Nelson
Writer: Lawrence Fowler, Geoff Fowler
Starring: Nicholas Anscombe, Isabella Colby Browne, Derek Nelson
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