Kehidupan Marie terbalik ketika cinta dalam hidupnya, Rasmus, melakukan pekerjaan mengajar di sekolah setempat di Jutland Barat, Denmark. Agak enggan, Marie bergabung dengan Rasmus dalam memindahkan akar mereka dari Kopenhagen ke kota yang berangin, Velling. Sementara Rasmus adalah pasangan langsung dengan cara -cara lokal, itu menjadi bekas budaya untuk Marie, yang berkali -kali membuktikan dirinya tidak sesuai dengan penduduk setempat. Namun, ketika dia secara bertahap belajar untuk lebih banyak mendengarkan dan berbicara lebih sedikit, dia menyadari bahwa dia mungkin membutuhkan Velling sebanyak Velling membutuhkannya - dan kolom nasihatnya untuk surat kabar lokal.
Marie's life gets turned upside down when the love of her life, Rasmus, takes on a teaching job at a local school in West Jutland, Denmark. Rather unwillingly, Marie joins Rasmus in moving their roots from Copenhagen to the windy town, Velling. While Rasmus is an immediate match to the local ways, it becomes a culture chock for Marie, who time and time again proves herself a misfit to the locals. However, as she gradually learns to listen more and talk less, she realizes that she might need Velling as much as Velling needs her – and her advice column for the local newspaper.
Marie's life gets turned upside down when the love of her life, Rasmus, takes on a teaching job at a local school in West Jutland, Denmark. Rather unwillingly, Marie joins Rasmus in moving their roots from Copenhagen to the windy town, Velling. While Rasmus is an immediate match to the local ways, it becomes a culture chock for Marie, who time and time again proves herself a misfit to the locals. However, as she gradually learns to listen more and talk less, she realizes that she might need Velling as much as Velling needs her – and her advice column for the local newspaper.
Directors: Hella Joof
Writer: Stine Pilgaard, Jenny Lund Madsen, Ida Maria Rydn
Starring: Sofie Torp, Thomas Hwan, Maria Rossing
Writer: Stine Pilgaard, Jenny Lund Madsen, Ida Maria Rydn
Starring: Sofie Torp, Thomas Hwan, Maria Rossing
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