Sekelompok teman pergi ke kabin terpencil di tepi danau untuk beristirahat dan bersantai ketika hal-hal yang tidak dapat dijelaskan mulai terjadi. Kamera berkedip di malam hari saat sesuatu yang jahat mengintai mereka dan orang-orang aneh muncul dan menghilang secara misterius tanpa jejak. Saat mereka mulai ragu siapa yang bisa mereka percayai, makhluk di balik kejadian ini akan terungkap dan lebih menakutkan dari yang bisa mereka bayangkan.
A group of friends goes to a remote cabin by a lake to rest and relax when unexplained things start to happen. Cameras flash in the night as something sinister stalks them and strange people appear and mysteriously vanish without a trace. As they start to doubt who they can trust among them, the creature behind these occurrences will reveal itself and is more terrifying than they can imagine.
A group of friends goes to a remote cabin by a lake to rest and relax when unexplained things start to happen. Cameras flash in the night as something sinister stalks them and strange people appear and mysteriously vanish without a trace. As they start to doubt who they can trust among them, the creature behind these occurrences will reveal itself and is more terrifying than they can imagine.
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