The Love Gala (2023)
90 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Comedy, TV Movie, Romance | 2023-05-22
Ketika Kate diberi pekerjaan merencanakan gala kebun ibunya, acara mode terbesar tahun ini, ia harus berkompromi dengan kepala kebun botani yang tidak membantu.
When Kate is given the job of planning her mom's Garden Gala, the biggest fashion event of the year, she has to compromise with the unhelpful head of the Botanical Garden.
When Kate is given the job of planning her mom's Garden Gala, the biggest fashion event of the year, she has to compromise with the unhelpful head of the Botanical Garden.
Directors: Damin Romay, Bruno Hernndez
Writer: Jenny Morris Krick
Starring: Lesa Wilson, Marc Herrmann, Sallie Glaner
Writer: Jenny Morris Krick
Starring: Lesa Wilson, Marc Herrmann, Sallie Glaner
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