The Love Hunt (2023)
90 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, TV Movie, Romance | 2023-08-30
Ketika seorang eksekutif real estat terkemuka kembali ke rumah setelah ayah arkeolognya meninggal, dia diberi tahu bahwa satu-satunya cara dia akan mewarisi tanah miliknya adalah jika dia menemukan satu-satunya harta karun yang luput dari perhatian ayahnya. Kini, bekerja sama dengan seorang petani rewel yang memiliki tanah yang diberi tanda X, dia akan menyadari bahwa uang tidak selalu merupakan harta terbesar.
When a high-powered real estate exec returns home after her archaeologist-dad passes, she’s told the only way she’ll inherit his estate is if she finds the only treasure that ever eluded him. Now, teaming with a cranky farmer who owns the land where X marks the spot, she’ll find that money isn’t always the greatest treasure.
When a high-powered real estate exec returns home after her archaeologist-dad passes, she’s told the only way she’ll inherit his estate is if she finds the only treasure that ever eluded him. Now, teaming with a cranky farmer who owns the land where X marks the spot, she’ll find that money isn’t always the greatest treasure.
Directors: Sam Irvin
Writer: Richard Lister, Christopher Dudley
Starring: Scout TaylorCompton, Brock Yurich, Sterling Beaumon
Writer: Richard Lister, Christopher Dudley
Starring: Scout TaylorCompton, Brock Yurich, Sterling Beaumon
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