Ketika seorang pria yang tidak bersalah didakwa dengan kejahatan pembunuh berantai, pembunuh yang sebenarnya dijuluki "The Mummy Murderer", memutuskan untuk berbagi kisahnya dengan Alexis, seorang reporter lapar untuk koran setempat. Dia mendapati dirinya di tengah -tengah permainannya yang bengkok dan terpaksa membuat pilihan antara menyelamatkan hidup atau mendorong kariernya ke tingkat berikutnya.
When an innocent man is charged with a serial killer's crimes, the real killer dubbed “The Mummy Murderer”, decides to share his story with Alexis, a hungry reporter for the local paper. She finds herself in the middle of his twisted game and is forced to make a choice between saving a life or propelling her career to the next level.
When an innocent man is charged with a serial killer's crimes, the real killer dubbed “The Mummy Murderer”, decides to share his story with Alexis, a hungry reporter for the local paper. She finds herself in the middle of his twisted game and is forced to make a choice between saving a life or propelling her career to the next level.
Directors: Colin Bressler
Writer: Colin Bressler, Will Donahue
Starring: Jason Scarbrough, Jeff Caperton, Isak Tufic
Writer: Colin Bressler, Will Donahue
Starring: Jason Scarbrough, Jeff Caperton, Isak Tufic
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