The Portable Door (2023)
116 Minm | Australia, United States of America | Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure | 2023-03-23
Paul dan Sophie, magang di sebuah firma misterius di London, menjadi terus -menerus sadar kepada majikan mereka Humphrey dan Dennis sama sekali tidak konvensional - mereka mengganggu dunia sihir dengan membawa strategi perusahaan modern ke praktik magis kuno.
Paul and Sophie, interns at a mysterious London firm, become steadily aware their employers Humphrey and Dennis are anything but conventional – they are disrupting the world of magic by bringing modern corporate strategy to ancient magical practices.
Paul and Sophie, interns at a mysterious London firm, become steadily aware their employers Humphrey and Dennis are anything but conventional – they are disrupting the world of magic by bringing modern corporate strategy to ancient magical practices.
Directors: Jeffrey Walker
Writer: Leon Ford, Tom Holt
Starring: Christoph Waltz, Patrick Gibson, Damon Herriman
Writer: Leon Ford, Tom Holt
Starring: Christoph Waltz, Patrick Gibson, Damon Herriman
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