The Sin (2024)
102 Minm | South Korea | Fantasy, Horror, Mystery | 2024-03-29
Sekelompok aktor dan staf produksi, setelah tiba di sekolah yang ditinggalkan di pedesaan untuk syuting, mendapati diri mereka diselimuti energi misterius sejak hari pertama syuting. Situasi berubah drastis setelah mereka bertemu dengan entitas yang seharusnya tidak terbangun. Mereka sekarang berusaha untuk melarikan diri darinya.
A group of actors and production staff, upon arriving at a rural abandoned school for filming, find themselves enveloped in a mysterious energy from the first day of filming itself. The situation takes a drastic turn after they encounter an entity that should not have been awakened. They now strive to escape from it.
A group of actors and production staff, upon arriving at a rural abandoned school for filming, find themselves enveloped in a mysterious energy from the first day of filming itself. The situation takes a drastic turn after they encounter an entity that should not have been awakened. They now strive to escape from it.
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