Pasangan, Tung dan Thao, yang memiliki kehidupan yang ideal, keuangan yang stabil, dan saling mencintai secara mendalam, telah menikah selama empat tahun tetapi belum mengandung anak. Namun, suatu hari, Thao akhirnya hamil dengan anak pertama mereka. Tawa aneh, kehadiran seorang gadis kecil, dan kejadian misterius yang tidak dapat dijelaskan mulai terjadi di rumah mereka. Mimpi buruk terus menghantui Thao, dan dia percaya bahwa beberapa kekuatan gaib menyiksanya. Putus asa untuk memastikan keamanan anak mereka, Thao memutuskan untuk mencari bantuan penyihir, hanya untuk menemukan bahwa serangkaian kecelakaan dipicu oleh kesalahan dari tahun yang lalu.
A couple, Tung and Thao, who have an ideal life, stable finances, and love each other deeply, have been married for four years but have yet to conceive a child. However, one day, Thao finally becomes pregnant with their first child. Strange laughter, the presence of a little girl, and unexplainable mysterious occurrences begin happening in their home. Nightmares continue to haunt Thao, and she believes that some supernatural force is tormenting her. Desperate to ensure the safety of their child, Thao decides to seek the help of a sorcerer, only to discover that a series of accidents were triggered by a mistake from years ago.
A couple, Tung and Thao, who have an ideal life, stable finances, and love each other deeply, have been married for four years but have yet to conceive a child. However, one day, Thao finally becomes pregnant with their first child. Strange laughter, the presence of a little girl, and unexplainable mysterious occurrences begin happening in their home. Nightmares continue to haunt Thao, and she believes that some supernatural force is tormenting her. Desperate to ensure the safety of their child, Thao decides to seek the help of a sorcerer, only to discover that a series of accidents were triggered by a mistake from years ago.
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