The Wedding Contract (2023)
84 Minm | Canada, United States of America | Comedy, TV Movie, Romance | 2023-06-17
Rebecca, seorang guru, dan Adam, seorang eksekutif iklan bersemangat untuk merencanakan pernikahan Yahudi mereka, tetapi pernikahan dan masa depan mereka disukai ketika Adam mendaratkan kampanye iklan baru, dan ibu mereka bertemu untuk pertama kalinya.
Rebecca, a teacher, and Adam, an ad executive are excited to plan their Jewish wedding, but their wedding and future are put into jeopardy when Adam lands a new ad campaign, and their mothers meet for the first time.
Rebecca, a teacher, and Adam, an ad executive are excited to plan their Jewish wedding, but their wedding and future are put into jeopardy when Adam lands a new ad campaign, and their mothers meet for the first time.
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