Zaffan yang berusia dua belas tahun tinggal di komunitas pedesaan kecil di Malaysia. Saat memasuki masa pubertas penuh, dia menyadari bahwa tubuhnya berubah dengan kecepatan yang mengkhawatirkan. Teman-temannya berpaling darinya ketika histeria massal melanda sekolah. Ketakutan menyebar dan seorang dokter turun tangan untuk mengusir setan yang menghantui gadis-gadis itu. Bagaikan seekor harimau yang diganggu dan diusir dari habitatnya, Zaffan memutuskan untuk mengungkap sifat aslinya, amukannya, keganasannya, dan keindahannya.
Twelve year old Zaffan lives in a small rural community in Malaysia. In full puberty, she realizes that her body is changing at an alarming rate. Her friends turn away from her when a mass hysteria hits the school. Fear spreads and a doctor intervenes to chase away the demon that haunts the girls. Like a tiger harassed and dislodged from its habitat, Zaffan decides to reveal its true nature, its fury, its rage and its beauty.
Twelve year old Zaffan lives in a small rural community in Malaysia. In full puberty, she realizes that her body is changing at an alarming rate. Her friends turn away from her when a mass hysteria hits the school. Fear spreads and a doctor intervenes to chase away the demon that haunts the girls. Like a tiger harassed and dislodged from its habitat, Zaffan decides to reveal its true nature, its fury, its rage and its beauty.
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