Ketika epidemi narkoba melanda kota, Detektif Grant Pierce memutuskan untuk mengambil tindakan sendiri, menyamar untuk menyusup ke "Rumah Perangkap" yang terkenal: laboratorium sabu milik orang gila yang dilengkapi dengan jebakan yang mematikan dan sadis.
When a drug epidemic ravages the city, Detective Grant Pierce decides to take matters into his own hands, going undercover to infiltrate the infamous "Trap House": a madman's meth lab outfitted with lethal and sadistic booby traps.
When a drug epidemic ravages the city, Detective Grant Pierce decides to take matters into his own hands, going undercover to infiltrate the infamous "Trap House": a madman's meth lab outfitted with lethal and sadistic booby traps.
Directors: Nicholas Humphries
Writer: Jordan Robinson
Starring: Jaime M Callica, Peter Bundic, Gigi Saul Guerrero
Writer: Jordan Robinson
Starring: Jaime M Callica, Peter Bundic, Gigi Saul Guerrero
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