Trim Season (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America | Horror, Thriller | 2023-03-31
Sekelompok anak muda pergi ke perkebunan ganja terpencil di mana mereka berharap mendapatkan uang dengan cepat. Tapi, mereka menemukan rahasia kelam lokasi tersebut dan sekarang harus mencoba melarikan diri dari gunung tempat mereka terjebak.
A group of young people go to a remote marijuana farm where they hope to make quick cash. But, they discover the location's dark secrets and now must try to escape the mountain on which they are trapped.
A group of young people go to a remote marijuana farm where they hope to make quick cash. But, they discover the location's dark secrets and now must try to escape the mountain on which they are trapped.
Directors: Ariel Vida
Writer: David Blair, Ariel Vida, Megan Sutherland
Starring: Bethlehem Million, Alex Essoe, Bex TaylorKlaus
Writer: David Blair, Ariel Vida, Megan Sutherland
Starring: Bethlehem Million, Alex Essoe, Bex TaylorKlaus
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