Apa yang terjadi jika intimidasi dan pelecehan online sudah meluas? Siapa yang Anda hubungi untuk meluruskan keadaan? Siapa yang dapat membantu Anda menyelamatkan reputasi atau mendapatkan imbalan? TROLL dapat membantu. Acara web gelap ini menampilkan 4 siswa baru dan Troll hadir untuk mengajari mereka dampak dari kelakuan keyboard mereka.
What happens when online bullying and harassment have gone too far? Who do you call to set things straight? Who can help you salvage your reputation or get you payback? The TROLL can help. This dark web show features 4 new students and the Troll is here to teach them there are repercussions to their keyboard antics.
What happens when online bullying and harassment have gone too far? Who do you call to set things straight? Who can help you salvage your reputation or get you payback? The TROLL can help. This dark web show features 4 new students and the Troll is here to teach them there are repercussions to their keyboard antics.
Directors: John F Uranday
Writer: Bobby Cloud, John F Uranday
Starring: Bobby Cloud, Leslie Pine, Lucie Campbell
Writer: Bobby Cloud, John F Uranday
Starring: Bobby Cloud, Leslie Pine, Lucie Campbell
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