Urkel Saves Santa: The Movie! (2023)
86 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Family, Animation | 2023-11-21
Musim liburan telah tiba, dan Steve Urkel yang brilian namun rawan kecelakaan telah merusak perayaan lokalnya dengan mempermalukan pusat perbelanjaan Santa di depan umum. Dalam upayanya untuk memperbaiki keadaan dan mendapatkan poin bagus dengan orang besar di Kutub Utara, Steve menciptakan sebuah penemuan yang hanya memperburuk keadaan. Dengan menggunakan otaknya yang besar dan hatinya yang lebih besar lagi, Steve harus menemukan Sinterklas yang sebenarnya untuk melihat apakah bersama-sama mereka dapat membantu kota tersebut menemukan kembali semangat liburan.
The holiday season has arrived, and brilliant but accident-prone Steve Urkel has already ruined his local celebration by publicly humiliating a shopping mall Santa. In his attempt to make things right and score some nice points with the big guy in the North Pole, Steve creates an invention that only makes things worse. Using his big brain and even bigger heart, Steve must find the real Santa to see if together they can help the city rediscover the holiday spirit.
The holiday season has arrived, and brilliant but accident-prone Steve Urkel has already ruined his local celebration by publicly humiliating a shopping mall Santa. In his attempt to make things right and score some nice points with the big guy in the North Pole, Steve creates an invention that only makes things worse. Using his big brain and even bigger heart, Steve must find the real Santa to see if together they can help the city rediscover the holiday spirit.
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