Bagi Fred, Natal adalah tentang menikmati makanan enak, hadiah, dan keluarga. Tetapi bagi Emma, Natal adalah tentang merawat orang yang membutuhkan. Dia merindukan orang tuanya dan tradisi mereka, jadi Fred menyarankan dia pergi ke Kanada. Emma meminta Fred untuk bergabung dengannya, tetapi para ibu dari putrinya menolak untuk membiarkan mereka pergi dalam waktu singkat. Fred mengatakan dia akan pergi dengan Emma tidak peduli apa, jadi Vic, Romy dan Clara plot untuk menghentikan mereka pergi! Dan itu adalah hal yang baik yang mereka lakukan, karena para tamu kejutan akan tiba.
For Fred, Christmas is about enjoying good food, presents and family. But for Emma, Christmas is about taking care of people in need. She misses her parents and their traditions, so Fred suggests she goes to Canada. Emma asks Fred to join her, but the mothers of his daughters refuse to let them go at short notice. Fred says he will go with Emma no matter what, so Vic, Romy and Clara plot to stop them leaving! And it's a good thing they do, as surprise guests will be arriving.
For Fred, Christmas is about enjoying good food, presents and family. But for Emma, Christmas is about taking care of people in need. She misses her parents and their traditions, so Fred suggests she goes to Canada. Emma asks Fred to join her, but the mothers of his daughters refuse to let them go at short notice. Fred says he will go with Emma no matter what, so Vic, Romy and Clara plot to stop them leaving! And it's a good thing they do, as surprise guests will be arriving.
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