Beth, seorang sukarelawan mengawasi orang dari kota utara yang terisolasi, seorang wabah yang mengubah beberapa penduduk yang tersisa menjadi otomat yang kosong seperti zombie. Dia menemukan bahwa dengan memasuki dimensi alternatif melalui mimpinya sendiri, dia mampu menahan penyakit selama musim dingin yang panjang dan mungkin tanpa akhir. Tapi apakah kekuatannya akan cukup untuk menopangnya?
Beth, a volunteer watch person of an isolated northern city batles a plague that transforms the few remaining residents into empty, zombie-like automatons. She discovers that by entering an alternatve dimension through her own dreams, she’s able to stave of the illness during the long, possibly endless winter. But will her power be enough to sustain her?
Beth, a volunteer watch person of an isolated northern city batles a plague that transforms the few remaining residents into empty, zombie-like automatons. She discovers that by entering an alternatve dimension through her own dreams, she’s able to stave of the illness during the long, possibly endless winter. But will her power be enough to sustain her?
Directors: John Barnard
Writer: John Barnard, CarrieMay Siggins
Starring: Niamh Carolan, Solange Sookram, Jeremy Walmsley
Writer: John Barnard, CarrieMay Siggins
Starring: Niamh Carolan, Solange Sookram, Jeremy Walmsley
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