Ketika dua blogger internet yang akan datang melakukan perjalanan ke rekaman film dari hutan yang dikenal karena hilangnya dan mati, mereka mendapati diri mereka bertarung melawan supranatural untuk lebih dari peringkat. Peristiwa yang akan sangat memburuk, berputar -putar para pencari petualangan menuju ke sihir, kekacauan, dan pembunuhan.
When two up and coming internet bloggers take on a road trip to film footage from a forest that is known for disappearance and death, they find themselves in a fight against the supernatural for more than ratings. The events to follow considerably deteriorate, spiraling the adventure seekers head on into magic, mayhem, and murder.
When two up and coming internet bloggers take on a road trip to film footage from a forest that is known for disappearance and death, they find themselves in a fight against the supernatural for more than ratings. The events to follow considerably deteriorate, spiraling the adventure seekers head on into magic, mayhem, and murder.
Directors: Lauren Francesca, Shawn C Phillips
Writer: Shawn C Phillips, Julie Anne Prescott
Starring: Shawn C Phillips, Lauren Francesca, Sally Kirkland
Writer: Shawn C Phillips, Julie Anne Prescott
Starring: Shawn C Phillips, Lauren Francesca, Sally Kirkland
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