You, Me, and that Mountain Retreat (2024)
90 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, TV Movie, Romance | 2024-05-15
Ketika desainer produk Rebecca memalsukan kebenaran selama wawancara kerja tentang menjadi pemimpin yang percaya diri, dia menemukan kebohongannya diuji pada retret di pegunungan Tahoe di mana dia akan dinilai, bersama dengan karyawan potensial lainnya, untuk melihat apakah mereka sesuai dengan budaya perusahaan luar ruangan. Dia bermitra dengan Nathan, seorang calon penjual, yang benar -benar membenci alam bebas. Terlepas dari perbedaan mereka, keduanya harus bekerja sama untuk berhasil dan mungkin jatuh cinta dalam prosesnya.
When product designer Rebecca fudges the truth during a job interview about being a confident leader, she finds her lie put to the test on a retreat in the mountains of Tahoe where she'll be assessed, along with other potential employees, to see if they fit the outdoorsy company's culture. She's partnered with Nathan, a prospective salesman, who absolutely despises the outdoors. Despite their differences, the two must work together to succeed and just might fall in love in the process.
When product designer Rebecca fudges the truth during a job interview about being a confident leader, she finds her lie put to the test on a retreat in the mountains of Tahoe where she'll be assessed, along with other potential employees, to see if they fit the outdoorsy company's culture. She's partnered with Nathan, a prospective salesman, who absolutely despises the outdoors. Despite their differences, the two must work together to succeed and just might fall in love in the process.
Directors: Sam Irvin
Writer: Matthew Thaler
Starring: Gladys Bautista, Michael Patrick Lane, Matt Medrano
Writer: Matthew Thaler
Starring: Gladys Bautista, Michael Patrick Lane, Matt Medrano
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