Yule Log (2023)
71 Minm | United States of America | Horror | 2023-07-15
Dua teman membawa teman mereka ke kabin terpencil untuk mengalihkan pikirannya dari kehilangan istrinya baru -baru ini. Yang tidak mereka harapkan adalah malam teror setelah mereka tanpa sadar membakar kayu dari pohon yang telah tumbuh dari gundukan yang pernah digunakan untuk membakar penyihir yang kuat! Kayu terkutuk kembali membawakan kembali roh-roh dan makhluk gelap, memaksa mereka, dan seorang wanita yang terdampar, untuk memperjuangkan kehidupan mereka selama malam para ibu. Log Yule ini terbakar selamanya, di neraka!
Two friends take their buddy to a secluded cabin to take his mind off the recent loss of his wife. What they don't expect is a night of terror after they unknowingly burn wood from a tree that has grown from a mound once used to burn a powerful witch! The cursed timber re-awakens dark spirits and creatures, forcing them, and a stranded woman, to fight for their lives during the Night of Mothers. This Yule Log burns forever, in hell!
Two friends take their buddy to a secluded cabin to take his mind off the recent loss of his wife. What they don't expect is a night of terror after they unknowingly burn wood from a tree that has grown from a mound once used to burn a powerful witch! The cursed timber re-awakens dark spirits and creatures, forcing them, and a stranded woman, to fight for their lives during the Night of Mothers. This Yule Log burns forever, in hell!
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