Daniella baru-baru ini pindah ke New York untuk mengejar karir seni dan memutuskan untuk tinggal di kota untuk berbagi liburan dengan teman-teman artisnya, daripada pulang ke rumah untuk menemui orang tuanya yang manis dan sombong. Amelia adalah pengacara hiburan berbakat yang berusaha tetap fokus pada pekerjaannya setelah pertunangannya putus. Ketika Daniella dan Amelia dijodohkan oleh orang tua mereka, mereka setuju untuk berpura-pura berkencan, untuk menenangkan mereka saat liburan. Namun, saat mereka menghabiskan waktu di dunia masing-masing, mereka segera membangun hubungan yang lebih dalam dari yang mereka harapkan.
Daniella has recently moved to New York to pursue an art career and decides to stay in town to share the holidays with her circle of artist friends, instead of going home to see her sweet, if overbearing parents. Amelia is a talented entertainment lawyer trying to stay focused on her work after a broken engagement. When Daniella and Amelia are set up by their parents, they agree to pretend that they are dating, to appease them for the holidays. However, as they spend time in each other’s worlds, they soon build a connection that is deeper than either of them could have hoped for.
Daniella has recently moved to New York to pursue an art career and decides to stay in town to share the holidays with her circle of artist friends, instead of going home to see her sweet, if overbearing parents. Amelia is a talented entertainment lawyer trying to stay focused on her work after a broken engagement. When Daniella and Amelia are set up by their parents, they agree to pretend that they are dating, to appease them for the holidays. However, as they spend time in each other’s worlds, they soon build a connection that is deeper than either of them could have hoped for.
Directors: Anne Wheeler
Writer: Gary Goldstein, Tracy Andreen
Starring: Humberly Gonzlez, Ali Liebert, Gabriela Reynoso
Writer: Gary Goldstein, Tracy Andreen
Starring: Humberly Gonzlez, Ali Liebert, Gabriela Reynoso
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