Musim panas yang biasa dialami empat sahabat muda menjadi petualangan seumur hidup saat mereka menyadari ada yang tidak beres di tempat berenang favorit mereka saat teman dan keluarga mereka mulai jatuh sakit. Ketika mereka mengetahui bahwa pabrik lokal membuang bahan kimia berbahaya ke dalam air kota, mereka harus mengungkap kebenaran dan mencari cara untuk menghentikan polusi dan menyelamatkan kota sebelum terlambat.
A typical summer for four young friends becomes the adventure of a lifetime when they notice that something is amiss at their favorite swimming spot as their friends and family begin falling ill. When they discover that the local factory is dumping harmful chemicals into the town's water, they must expose the truth and figure out how to stop the pollution and save the town before it's too late.
A typical summer for four young friends becomes the adventure of a lifetime when they notice that something is amiss at their favorite swimming spot as their friends and family begin falling ill. When they discover that the local factory is dumping harmful chemicals into the town's water, they must expose the truth and figure out how to stop the pollution and save the town before it's too late.
Directors: Brittany Goodwin
Writer: Brittany Goodwin, Douglas B Maddox
Starring: Coleman Christian, Max Gerstenberg, Alexa Feldman
Writer: Brittany Goodwin, Douglas B Maddox
Starring: Coleman Christian, Max Gerstenberg, Alexa Feldman
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