Space Kids (2023)
76 Minm | China, United States of America | Family, Science Fiction, Animation | 2023-11-22
Planet yang dulu indah dan subur sekarang menjadi gurun gurun karena tanamannya yang berharga yang mengandung energi yang esensial dihancurkan oleh penjelajah yang ceroboh dari Bumi. Tiga anak percaya bahwa harapan masih ada dan berani menjadi gunung berapi aktif dan robot raksasa, mengatasi segala kemungkinan untuk menemukan tanaman terakhir yang kuat dan mengembalikan rumah mereka ke keindahan sebelumnya.
A once beautiful and lush planet is now a desert wasteland because its precious plant that contains life-essential energy was destroyed by careless explorers from Earth. Three kids believe that hope still exists and brave an active volcano and giant robots, overcoming all odds to find the last of the powerful plant and return their home to its former magnificence.
A once beautiful and lush planet is now a desert wasteland because its precious plant that contains life-essential energy was destroyed by careless explorers from Earth. Three kids believe that hope still exists and brave an active volcano and giant robots, overcoming all odds to find the last of the powerful plant and return their home to its former magnificence.
Directors: Leo Lee
Writer: Jeffrey Hylton
Starring: Jason Griffith, Jessica Paquet, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld
Writer: Jeffrey Hylton
Starring: Jason Griffith, Jessica Paquet, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld
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