Tell Them You Love Me (2023)
100 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Crime, Documentary | 2023-11-01
Sebuah film dokumenter kriminal sejati yang terinspirasi oleh salah satu pengadilan kriminal paling terpolarisasi dalam sejarah. Ini mengeksplorasi tema-tema termasuk disabilitas, ras, jenis kelamin dan persepsi persetujuan dengan melihat kembali kasus kontroversial profesor filsafat Anna Stubblefield.
A true crime documentary inspired by one of the most polarising criminal trials of recent history. It explores themes including disability, race, sex and perception of consent by looking back on the controversial case of philosophy professor Anna Stubblefield.
A true crime documentary inspired by one of the most polarising criminal trials of recent history. It explores themes including disability, race, sex and perception of consent by looking back on the controversial case of philosophy professor Anna Stubblefield.
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