The Echo (2024)
102 Minm | Germany, Mexico | Documentary | 2024-02-20
Di desa terpencil El Echo yang ada di luar waktu, anak -anak merawat domba dan orang tua mereka. Sementara embun beku dan kekeringan menghukum tanah, mereka belajar memahami kematian, penyakit dan cinta dengan setiap tindakan, kata dan keheningan orang tua mereka. Sebuah cerita tentang gema dari apa yang melekat pada jiwa, tentang kepastian tempat tinggal yang disediakan oleh orang -orang di sekitar kita, tentang pemberontakan dan vertigo dalam menghadapi kehidupan. Tentang tumbuh dewasa.
In the remote village of El Echo that exists outside of time, the children care for the sheep and their elders. While the frost and drought punish the land, they learn to understand death, illness and love with each act, word and silence of their parents. A story about the echo of what clings to the soul, about the certainty of shelter provided by those around us, about rebellion and vertigo in the face of life. About growing up.
In the remote village of El Echo that exists outside of time, the children care for the sheep and their elders. While the frost and drought punish the land, they learn to understand death, illness and love with each act, word and silence of their parents. A story about the echo of what clings to the soul, about the certainty of shelter provided by those around us, about rebellion and vertigo in the face of life. About growing up.
Directors: Tatiana Huezo
Writer: Tatiana Huezo
Starring: Montserrat Hernndez Hernndez, Luz Mara Vzquez Gonzlez, Sarah Rojas Hernndez
Writer: Tatiana Huezo
Starring: Montserrat Hernndez Hernndez, Luz Mara Vzquez Gonzlez, Sarah Rojas Hernndez
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