What the Hell Happened to Blood, Sweat & Tears? (2023)
111 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-03-24
Pada tahun 1970, darah, keringat dan air mata adalah salah satu band terbesar di dunia. Mereka telah meledak di tempat kejadian dengan keberanian dan janji, menjual jutaan rekaman, memenangkan beberapa penghargaan Grammy termasuk Album of the Year (mengalahkan The Beatles 'Abbey Road) dan memimpin festival Woodstock yang legendaris. Dalam permintaan untuk konser dan penampilan TV, BS&T adalah kesayangan dari Mainstream dan Rock Press, ikon dari tandingan dan inspirasi untuk generasi band berbasis tanduk. Masa depan mereka tidak terbatas. Dan kemudian semuanya salah.
In 1970, Blood, Sweat and Tears was one of the biggest bands in the world. They had exploded on the scene with both daring and promise, selling millions of records, winning multiple Grammy Awards including Album of the Year (beating out The Beatles' Abbey Road) and headlining the legendary Woodstock festival. In demand for concert and TV appearances, BS&T was a darling of the mainstream and rock press, icon of the counterculture and inspiration for a generation of horn-based bands. Their future was limitless. And then it all went wrong.
In 1970, Blood, Sweat and Tears was one of the biggest bands in the world. They had exploded on the scene with both daring and promise, selling millions of records, winning multiple Grammy Awards including Album of the Year (beating out The Beatles' Abbey Road) and headlining the legendary Woodstock festival. In demand for concert and TV appearances, BS&T was a darling of the mainstream and rock press, icon of the counterculture and inspiration for a generation of horn-based bands. Their future was limitless. And then it all went wrong.
Directors: John Scheinfeld
Writer: John Scheinfeld
Starring: David ClaytonThomas, Blood Sweat and Tears, Bobby Colomby
Writer: John Scheinfeld
Starring: David ClaytonThomas, Blood Sweat and Tears, Bobby Colomby
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