Wild Water (2024)
52 Minm | | Documentary | 2024-02-10
Ditembak sepanjang musim selama 16 bulan, film dokumenter itu menyelam ke komunitas renang air dingin Dam Gaddings, Calderdale, Yorkshire Barat, rumah bagi pantai tertinggi di Inggris. Film ini melacak lanskap yang menakjubkan dan komunitas perenang liar, karena mereka menggunakan kekuatan restoratif air dingin untuk terhubung kembali dengan kesehatan mental, identitas, dan lingkungan alami mereka.
Shot through the seasons over the period of 16 months, the documentary dives into the cold water swimming community of Gaddings Dam, Calderdale, West Yorkshire, home to the UK’s highest beach. The film tracks the breathtaking landscape and its community of wild swimmers, as they use the restorative powers of cold water to reconnect with their mental health, identity and the natural environment.
Shot through the seasons over the period of 16 months, the documentary dives into the cold water swimming community of Gaddings Dam, Calderdale, West Yorkshire, home to the UK’s highest beach. The film tracks the breathtaking landscape and its community of wild swimmers, as they use the restorative powers of cold water to reconnect with their mental health, identity and the natural environment.
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