Expedition Amazon (2024)
47 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-10-10
Dari sumber es Amazon yang dahsyat hingga gumpalan es yang mencapai Karibia, tim National Geographic Explorer melakukan penelitian inovatif untuk mengetahui salah satu sumber daya tak terpisahkan dan ajaib yang tak ada habisnya di planet ini. Mulai dari kesehatan penyu sungai dan lumba-lumba merah muda hingga migrasi beruang Andean, hal yang sangat mendesak harus dipenuhi dengan solusi yang sama-sama penuh harapan.
From the mighty Amazon’s icy source to its plume reaching as far as the Caribbean, National Geographic Explorer teams conduct groundbreaking research to take the pulse of one of the planet’s integral and endlessly magical resources. From the health of river turtles and pink dolphins to the migration of Andean bears, extreme urgency is met by equally hopeful solutions.
From the mighty Amazon’s icy source to its plume reaching as far as the Caribbean, National Geographic Explorer teams conduct groundbreaking research to take the pulse of one of the planet’s integral and endlessly magical resources. From the health of river turtles and pink dolphins to the migration of Andean bears, extreme urgency is met by equally hopeful solutions.
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