The Matthew Shepard Story: An American Hate Crime (2023)
83 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Documentary | 2023-10-09
Dua puluh lima tahun yang lalu, Matthew Shepard terikat ke pagar dan dipukuli. Beberapa hari kemudian, hal yang tidak terpikirkan terjadi dan kematiannya memicu proteksi nasional untuk kejahatan rasial. Hari ini, ceritanya adalah pengingat gelap bahwa perjuangan melawan kebencian terus berlanjut.
Twenty-five years ago, Matthew Shepard was tied to a fence and beaten. Days later, the unthinkable happened and his death sparked a national outcry for hate crimes protections. Today, his story is a dark reminder that the fight against hate continues.
Twenty-five years ago, Matthew Shepard was tied to a fence and beaten. Days later, the unthinkable happened and his death sparked a national outcry for hate crimes protections. Today, his story is a dark reminder that the fight against hate continues.
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