The Ringleader: The Case of the Bling Ring (2023)
95 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Documentary | 2023-10-01
Dalam wawancara jujur dan pertama kali dengan Rachel Lee, yang disebut-sebut sebagai remaja dalang di balik serangkaian perampokan selebriti terkenal pada tahun 2008 dan 2009, film ini mengkaji motivasi Lee dan sekelompok temannya yang masuk ke rumah selebriti. di Hollywood untuk menggeledah dan mencuri, mengeksplorasi kemungkinan alasan di balik tindakannya termasuk masalah kesehatan mental dan kecanduan, serta iklim selebriti yang berlebihan yang memicu remaja, mengontekstualisasikan kembali peristiwa di balik berita utama yang sensasional.
In a candid, first-time interview with Rachel Lee, the so-called teenage mastermind behind a string of high-profile celebrity robberies in 2008 and 2009, the film examines the motivations of Lee and a group of her friends who broke into celebrity homes in Hollywood to ransack and steal, exploring the possible reasons behind her actions including mental health issues and addictions, as well as the climate of celebrity excess that fueled the teens, recontextualizing the events behind the sensational headlines.
In a candid, first-time interview with Rachel Lee, the so-called teenage mastermind behind a string of high-profile celebrity robberies in 2008 and 2009, the film examines the motivations of Lee and a group of her friends who broke into celebrity homes in Hollywood to ransack and steal, exploring the possible reasons behind her actions including mental health issues and addictions, as well as the climate of celebrity excess that fueled the teens, recontextualizing the events behind the sensational headlines.
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