A Family Sentenced (2023)
73 Minm | Iran | Documentary | 2023-01-23
Ketika Reza dipenjara atas tuduhan narkoba dalam keadaan misterius, istrinya dipaksa untuk mencabut kehidupan keempat anak mereka. Di bawah undang -undang narkoba Iran yang ketat, Reza menghadapi eksekusi jika terbukti bersalah - hukuman yang keras yang dibuat lebih keras oleh korban ekonomi dan emosional yang luar biasa yang diambil pada keluarganya. Dengan masa depan yang tidak pasti dan tidak ada tempat untuk pergi, anggota keluarga Reza menemukan diri mereka atas belas kasihan tindakan yang diambil jauh dari kendali mereka.
When Reza is jailed on drug charges under mysterious circumstances, his wife is forced to uproot the lives of their four children. Under Iran’s strict drug laws, Reza faces execution if convicted—a harsh sentence made harsher still by the overwhelming economic and emotional toll it takes on his family. With the future uncertain and nowhere to go, Reza’s family members find themselves at the mercy of actions taken far out of their control.
When Reza is jailed on drug charges under mysterious circumstances, his wife is forced to uproot the lives of their four children. Under Iran’s strict drug laws, Reza faces execution if convicted—a harsh sentence made harsher still by the overwhelming economic and emotional toll it takes on his family. With the future uncertain and nowhere to go, Reza’s family members find themselves at the mercy of actions taken far out of their control.
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