A Storm Foretold (2023)
91 Minm | Denmark | Documentary | 2023-03-21
Dengan cerutu kolosal yang menggantung dari sudut mulutnya, persembahan di tangan, dan penghinaan yang tidak salah lagi untuk musuh politiknya, Roger Stone muncul sebagai sekutu klasik bagi Donald Trump. Dihormati sebagai powerbroker sayap kanan, perjalanan Stone yang berpengaruh melacak kembali ke era Presiden Nixon, sebuah warisan yang ditulis ke punggungnya sendiri. Dalam sebuah film yang ditandai oleh akses yang tak tertandingi, Christoffer Guldbrandsen menangkap bulan -bulan terakhir yang penuh gejolak dari administrasi Trump, berpusat di jantung kekuasaan dan klimaks dengan penyerbuan Kongres yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Guldbrandsen mendapati dirinya berada di tengah -tengah kekacauan ketika pendukung Trump berkumpul di Washington, menyaksikan retret strategis Roger Stone dari Roger Stone dari suite hotelnya ketika kampanye 'Stop the Steal' menjadi kerusuhan. Sebuah badai yang diramalkan-Roger Stone dan mati mengungkap narasi partai politik yang pernah didirikan bermetamorfosis menjadi gerakan anti-demokrasi, di mana retorika berapi-api berevolusi menjadi kekerasan nyata.
With a colossal cigar dangling from the corner of his mouth, a libation in hand, and an unmistakable disdain for his political adversaries, Roger Stone emerges as the quintessential ally to Donald Trump. Revered as a right-wing powerbroker, Stone's influential journey traces back to the era of President Nixon, a legacy inked onto his own back. In a film marked by unparalleled access, Christoffer Guldbrandsen captures the tumultuous final months of the Trump administration, centering on the heart of power and climaxing with the unprecedented storming of Congress. Guldbrandsen finds himself amidst the chaos as Trump supporters converge on Washington, witnessing firsthand Roger Stone's strategic retreat from his hotel suite as the 'Stop the Steal' campaign spirals into a riot. A Storm Foretold – Roger Stone and Die unfolds the narrative of a once-established political party metamorphosing into an anti-democratic movement, where impassioned rhetoric evolves into tangible violence.
With a colossal cigar dangling from the corner of his mouth, a libation in hand, and an unmistakable disdain for his political adversaries, Roger Stone emerges as the quintessential ally to Donald Trump. Revered as a right-wing powerbroker, Stone's influential journey traces back to the era of President Nixon, a legacy inked onto his own back. In a film marked by unparalleled access, Christoffer Guldbrandsen captures the tumultuous final months of the Trump administration, centering on the heart of power and climaxing with the unprecedented storming of Congress. Guldbrandsen finds himself amidst the chaos as Trump supporters converge on Washington, witnessing firsthand Roger Stone's strategic retreat from his hotel suite as the 'Stop the Steal' campaign spirals into a riot. A Storm Foretold – Roger Stone and Die unfolds the narrative of a once-established political party metamorphosing into an anti-democratic movement, where impassioned rhetoric evolves into tangible violence.
Directors: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Writer: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Starring: Christoffer Guldbrandsen, Roger Stone, Donald Trump
Writer: Christoffer Guldbrandsen
Starring: Christoffer Guldbrandsen, Roger Stone, Donald Trump
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