After the Bite (2023)
88 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-06-21
Menyusul serangkaian serangan hiu putih besar yang mendominasi berita utama, salah satu komunitas Cape Cod menegosiasikan ulang hubungannya dengan lingkungan laut. Penduduk lokal, nelayan, dan aktivis lingkungan hidup terpaksa menghadapi perubahan dramatis dalam cara hidup mereka. Seberapa jauh kita bisa mendorong alam sebelum ia membalasnya?
Following a series of great white shark attacks that dominated the headlines, one Cape Cod community renegotiates its relationship with the marine environment. Local residents, fishermen, and environmentalists are forced to confront dramatic changes to their way of life. How far can we push nature before it bites back?
Following a series of great white shark attacks that dominated the headlines, one Cape Cod community renegotiates its relationship with the marine environment. Local residents, fishermen, and environmentalists are forced to confront dramatic changes to their way of life. How far can we push nature before it bites back?
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