After Work (2023)
81 Minm | Italy, Sweden, Norway | Documentary | 2023-08-04
Konstitusi Kuwait menyatakan bahwa setiap orang berhak atas pekerjaan, sehingga di beberapa tempat, 20 orang dipekerjakan untuk satu pekerjaan. Di Korea Selatan, mereka bekerja terlalu banyak sehingga diberlakukan kebijakan untuk mematikan komputer di penghujung hari sehingga karyawan tidak dapat bekerja lagi. Di AS, mereka memberikan lebih dari 500 juta jam libur setiap tahunnya, sementara para pengemudi Amazon berusaha membentuk serikat pekerja. Sementara itu, robot siap mengambil alih sebagian besar pekerjaan dan membuat kita semua kehilangan pekerjaan. Pekerjaan sangat penting bagi identitas kita dan apa yang kita habiskan saat kita terjaga sehingga hampir tidak diperhatikan lagi. Banyak hal telah terjadi sejak sekelompok pendeta Puritan menemukan konsep etos kerja pada tahun 1600-an, dan pada abad ke-21 konsep kerja tersebut dalam banyak hal mengalami disintegrasi. Situasi yang sempurna bagi pembuat film seperti dalang film asal Swedia, Erik Gandini, yang berkeliling dunia untuk mengeksplorasi apa arti konsep kerja saat ini – bahkan jika itu memang ada artinya.
Kuwait’s constitution says that every person has the right to a job, so in some places 20 people are employed for one person’s job. In South Korea, they work so much that a policy has been introduced to turn off computers at the end of the day so that employees can’t work any more. In the US, they give up over 500 million holiday hours each year, while Amazon’s drivers are trying to form a union. Meanwhile, robots are poised to take over most jobs and put the rest of us out of work. Work is so crucial to our identity and what we spend our waking hours on that it is barely noticed anymore. A lot has happened since a group of Puritan priests invented the concept of work ethic in the 1600s, and in the 21st century the very concept of work is in many ways disintegrating. A perfect situation for a filmmaker like Swedish mastermind Erik Gandini, who travels the world to explore what the concept of work means today – if it means anything at all.
Kuwait’s constitution says that every person has the right to a job, so in some places 20 people are employed for one person’s job. In South Korea, they work so much that a policy has been introduced to turn off computers at the end of the day so that employees can’t work any more. In the US, they give up over 500 million holiday hours each year, while Amazon’s drivers are trying to form a union. Meanwhile, robots are poised to take over most jobs and put the rest of us out of work. Work is so crucial to our identity and what we spend our waking hours on that it is barely noticed anymore. A lot has happened since a group of Puritan priests invented the concept of work ethic in the 1600s, and in the 21st century the very concept of work is in many ways disintegrating. A perfect situation for a filmmaker like Swedish mastermind Erik Gandini, who travels the world to explore what the concept of work means today – if it means anything at all.
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