Ancient Armageddon (2023)
83 Minm | | Documentary, History | 2023-06-05
Kisah ini mengeksplorasi keruntuhan peradaban kuno yang misterius dan dahsyat pada akhir Zaman Perunggu, mulai dari bangsa Het hingga Mycenaean dan Mesir, mengungkap peristiwa-peristiwa penuh gejolak yang mengakhiri era berkembangnya sejarah manusia, dan memperingatkan bahwa kita mungkin menghadapi ancaman serupa. Hari ini.
This explores the mysterious and catastrophic collapse of ancient civilizations during the late Bronze Age, from the Hittites to the Mycenaeans and the Egyptians, revealing the tumultuous events that brought an end to a thriving era of human history, and warns we may be facing similar threats today.
This explores the mysterious and catastrophic collapse of ancient civilizations during the late Bronze Age, from the Hittites to the Mycenaeans and the Egyptians, revealing the tumultuous events that brought an end to a thriving era of human history, and warns we may be facing similar threats today.
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