Attack of the Doc! (2023)
87 Minm | | Documentary | 2023-04-21
Sebelum munculnya teknologi besar, media sosial, dan film Marvel, Attack of the Show! mencatat kebangkitan budaya nerd. Acara andalan G4TV meluncurkan karier pembawa acara Olivia Munn dan Kevin Pereira dan disukai oleh para penggemar! Tapi apa yang sebenarnya terjadi?
Before the rise of big tech, social media and Marvel movies, Attack of the Show! chronicled the rise of nerd culture. G4TV's flagship show launched the careers of hosts Olivia Munn and Kevin Pereira and was beloved by fans! But what really happened?
Before the rise of big tech, social media and Marvel movies, Attack of the Show! chronicled the rise of nerd culture. G4TV's flagship show launched the careers of hosts Olivia Munn and Kevin Pereira and was beloved by fans! But what really happened?
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