Blow: The True Story of Cocaine, a Bear, and a Crooked Kentucky Cop (2023)
35 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-03-10
Operasi narkoba Andrew Thornton adalah salah satu operasi narkoba terbesar yang pernah terjadi di Kentucky dan Tennessee. Thornton akan binasa saat mencoba terjun payung membawa koin emas Afrika, senjata, ribuan uang tunai, dan 75 pon kokain. Dari CIA hingga pihak rahasia, Thornton digambarkan sebagai James Bond dari Kentucky oleh mereka yang mengenalnya. Film dokumenter ini mengungkap kisah nyata di balik beruang penghirup narkoba dan kebangkitannya menjadi bintang. Film ini membedah mitos seputar hewan pesta pamungkas. Apakah legenda Musik Country Waylon Jennings membeli beruang taksidermi? Berapa banyak kokain yang dimakannya? Dan apakah beruang pemakan narkoba sekarang dipajang di toko Kentucky?
Andrew Thornton’s drug operation was one of the largest Kentucky and Tennessee had ever seen. Thornton would perish while attempting to parachute carrying African gold coins, weapons, thousands in cash and 75 pounds of cocaine. From the CIA to secret parties, Thornton is described as the James Bond of Kentucky by those who knew him. The documentary uncovers the true story behind the drug-sniffing bear and its rise to stardom. The film dissects the myths surrounding the ultimate party animal. Did Country Music legend Waylon Jennings buy the taxidermied bear? How much cocaine did it eat? And is the actual drug-eating bear now on display in a Kentucky store?
Andrew Thornton’s drug operation was one of the largest Kentucky and Tennessee had ever seen. Thornton would perish while attempting to parachute carrying African gold coins, weapons, thousands in cash and 75 pounds of cocaine. From the CIA to secret parties, Thornton is described as the James Bond of Kentucky by those who knew him. The documentary uncovers the true story behind the drug-sniffing bear and its rise to stardom. The film dissects the myths surrounding the ultimate party animal. Did Country Music legend Waylon Jennings buy the taxidermied bear? How much cocaine did it eat? And is the actual drug-eating bear now on display in a Kentucky store?
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