Carol Doda Topless at the Condor (2024)
100 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-03-22
Pada suatu malam yang menentukan di San Francisco di awal tahun 60an, pemain klub malam Condor, Carol Doda, diturunkan ke panggung dengan piano mengambang, tanpa penutup dada. Berita menyebar dengan cepat, memicu gelombang kontroversi dan kegembiraan, dan penggerebekan segera menyusul. Bahkan ada uji coba untuk selebriti baru tersebut. Kecerdasan dan karisma Doda membuatnya langsung menjadi sensasi di dunia klub malam: seorang wanita berdaya yang memegang kendali penuh. Atau begitulah tampaknya.
On a fateful San Francisco night in the early 60s, Condor nightclub performer Carol Doda was lowered to the stage on a floating piano, topless. Word spread quickly, setting off a wave of controversy and delight, with raids soon to follow. There was even a trial for the new celebrity. Doda’s dry wit and charisma made her an instant sensation of the night club scene: an empowered woman in full control. Or so it seemed.
On a fateful San Francisco night in the early 60s, Condor nightclub performer Carol Doda was lowered to the stage on a floating piano, topless. Word spread quickly, setting off a wave of controversy and delight, with raids soon to follow. There was even a trial for the new celebrity. Doda’s dry wit and charisma made her an instant sensation of the night club scene: an empowered woman in full control. Or so it seemed.
Directors: Marlo McKenzie, Jonathan Parker
Writer: Marlo McKenzie, Jonathan Parker, Karen Everett
Starring: Carol Doda, Pete Mattioli, Benita Mattioli
Writer: Marlo McKenzie, Jonathan Parker, Karen Everett
Starring: Carol Doda, Pete Mattioli, Benita Mattioli
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