Cessationist (2023)
111 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-05-31
Apakah karunia Karismatik itu nyata? Berbicara dalam bahasa roh? Bernubuat? Penyembuhan? Membangkitkan orang mati? Umat Kristen Karismatik dan Pentakosta percaya bahwa mereka berpartisipasi dalam mukjizat. Apakah mukjizat-mukjizat ini nyata, ataukah karunia-karunia mukjizat itu sudah berhenti?
Are the Charismatic gifts real? Speaking in tongues? Prophesying? Healing? Raising the dead? Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians believe they are participating in miracles. Are these miracles real, or have the miraculous gifts ceased?
Are the Charismatic gifts real? Speaking in tongues? Prophesying? Healing? Raising the dead? Charismatic and Pentecostal Christians believe they are participating in miracles. Are these miracles real, or have the miraculous gifts ceased?
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