Danielle Laidley: Two Tribes (2023)
89 Minm | Australia | Documentary | 2023-09-19
Sebuah kisah intim dan penting yang perlu diceritakan, Terungkap - Danielle Laidley: Two Tribes, film dokumenter yang wajib ditonton ini adalah perjalanan mendalam seorang wanita luar biasa yang telah melewati beberapa rintangan sulit di jalan sambil meraih pujian yang tak terhitung jumlahnya di sepanjang jalan. Memanfaatkan materi arsip pribadi termasuk foto, jurnal, dan video, penonton akan menyaksikan masa kecil Danielle di pinggiran kota kelas pekerja Perth, hingga kariernya sebagai atlet elit dan sebagai pelatih senior AFL yang terkenal. Kamera juga mengabadikan momen emosional saat Danielle menghadapi keluarga dan teman-temannya untuk pertama kalinya.
An intimate and important story that demands to be told, Revealed - Danielle Laidley: Two Tribes this must-see documentary is an in-depth journey of a remarkable woman who has endured some difficult bumps in the road while achieving countless plaudits along the way. Utilising personal archival material including photos, journals and videos, audiences will witness Danielle’s early childhood in a working-class suburb of Perth, to her career as an elite athlete and as a renowned senior AFL coach. Cameras also capture the emotional moments as Danielle faces her family and friends for the first time.
An intimate and important story that demands to be told, Revealed - Danielle Laidley: Two Tribes this must-see documentary is an in-depth journey of a remarkable woman who has endured some difficult bumps in the road while achieving countless plaudits along the way. Utilising personal archival material including photos, journals and videos, audiences will witness Danielle’s early childhood in a working-class suburb of Perth, to her career as an elite athlete and as a renowned senior AFL coach. Cameras also capture the emotional moments as Danielle faces her family and friends for the first time.
Directors: Julie Kalceff, Sam Matthews
Writer: Sam Matthews, Julie Kalceff
Starring: Danielle Laidley
Writer: Sam Matthews, Julie Kalceff
Starring: Danielle Laidley
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