David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived (2023)
89 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Documentary | 2023-11-13
Sebagai pemeran pengganti Daniel Radcliffe dalam film Harry Potter, karya David Holmes telah dilihat oleh jutaan orang di seluruh dunia. Tragisnya, kecelakaan di lokasi syuting mengakhiri apa yang David sebut sebagai "pekerjaan terbaik di dunia", membuatnya lumpuh dan harus menggunakan kursi roda. Seperti karakter di layar yang ia bantu wujudkan, David bertekad untuk terus mencari petualangan dan menjalani hidup sepenuhnya meskipun ada banyak rintangan.
As Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the Harry Potter films, David Holmes' work has been seen worldwide by millions of people. Tragically an on-set accident ended what David calls "the best job in the world," leaving him paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Like the on-screen character he helped bring to life, David is determined to continue seeking adventure and living life to the fullest despite mounting obstacles.
As Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double in the Harry Potter films, David Holmes' work has been seen worldwide by millions of people. Tragically an on-set accident ended what David calls "the best job in the world," leaving him paralyzed and confined to a wheelchair. Like the on-screen character he helped bring to life, David is determined to continue seeking adventure and living life to the fullest despite mounting obstacles.
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