Doom Scroll: Andrew Tate and the Dark Side of the Internet (2024)
89 Minm | United Kingdom | Documentary | 2024-07-11
Bagaimana seorang yang mengaku misoginis bisa menjadi salah satu orang paling berpengaruh di dunia, dan tetap bertahan bahkan setelah dituduh melakukan pemerkosaan dan perdagangan manusia? Meningkatnya popularitas Andrew Tate telah memicu kegemparan global, namun angka kontroversial tersebut juga merupakan gejala mengerikan dari semakin terpecahnya dunia yang kita tinggali, yang didorong oleh platform media sosial yang ada di ujung jari kita.
How does a self-professed misogynist become one of the world’s most influential people, and remain so even after being charged with rape and human trafficking? Andrew Tate’s meteoric rise to infamy has provoked global uproar, but the controversial figure is also a terrifying symptom of the increasingly fractured world in which we live, propelled by the social media platforms beneath our fingertips.
How does a self-professed misogynist become one of the world’s most influential people, and remain so even after being charged with rape and human trafficking? Andrew Tate’s meteoric rise to infamy has provoked global uproar, but the controversial figure is also a terrifying symptom of the increasingly fractured world in which we live, propelled by the social media platforms beneath our fingertips.
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