Even Hell Has Its Heroes (2023)
110 Minm | United States of America | Documentary, Music | 2023-03-16
Sungai -sungai berawa dan hutan liar Seattle mengatur adegan atmosfer untuk kisah Bumi - pita logam paling lambat di Bumi - yang menciptakan genre drone metal, merupakan inspirasi bagi adegan rock grunge dan memiliki tangan yang tidak menguntungkan dalam kematian Kurt Cobain.
Seattle’s swampy rivers and wild forests set an atmospheric scene for the tale of Earth – the slowest metal band on earth – which created the drone metal genre, was an inspiration to the grunge rock scene and had an unfortunate hand in Kurt Cobain’s death.
Seattle’s swampy rivers and wild forests set an atmospheric scene for the tale of Earth – the slowest metal band on earth – which created the drone metal genre, was an inspiration to the grunge rock scene and had an unfortunate hand in Kurt Cobain’s death.
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