Faye (2024)
91 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2024-05-15
Melalui refleksi yang jujur, dilengkapi dengan wawasan dari kolega dan teman, Faye Dunaway mengkontekstualisasikan kehidupan dan filmografinya, mengungkapkan perjuangannya dengan kesehatan mental sambil menghadapi standar ganda yang dialaminya sebagai seorang wanita di Hollywood.
Through honest reflection, complemented by insight from colleagues and friends, Faye Dunaway contextualizes her life and filmography, laying bare her struggles with mental health while confronting the double standards she was subjected to as a woman in Hollywood.
Through honest reflection, complemented by insight from colleagues and friends, Faye Dunaway contextualizes her life and filmography, laying bare her struggles with mental health while confronting the double standards she was subjected to as a woman in Hollywood.
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