Full Circle (2023)
103 Minm | United States of America | Documentary | 2023-10-20
Menghadapi cedera traumatis yang membuat Anda cacat permanen; bagaimana Anda menemukan kembali diri Anda sendiri? Full Circle menceritakan kisah tentang ketahanan dan penolakan Trevor Kennison dan Barry Corbet untuk membiarkan hasrat hidup mereka dibatasi oleh Cedera Tulang Belakang. Ini adalah kajian mendalam terhadap tantangan Cedera Tulang Belakang, dan perayaan atas pertumbuhan yang dapat dipicu oleh tragedi tersebut.
Faced with a traumatic injury that renders you permanently disabled; how would you reinvent yourself? Full Circle tells the story of Trevor Kennison and Barry Corbet’s shared resiliency and refusal to let their passion for life be limited by Spinal Cord Injury. It is an unblinking examination of the challenges of Spinal Cord Injury, and a celebration of the growth that such tragedy can catalyze.
Faced with a traumatic injury that renders you permanently disabled; how would you reinvent yourself? Full Circle tells the story of Trevor Kennison and Barry Corbet’s shared resiliency and refusal to let their passion for life be limited by Spinal Cord Injury. It is an unblinking examination of the challenges of Spinal Cord Injury, and a celebration of the growth that such tragedy can catalyze.
Directors: Josh Berman
Writer: Josh Berman, Conor Smith, Thomas Crandall
Starring: Trevor Kennison, Barry Corbet, Travis Rice
Writer: Josh Berman, Conor Smith, Thomas Crandall
Starring: Trevor Kennison, Barry Corbet, Travis Rice
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